Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Slow Breathing May Help Ease Pain

Tuesday February 9, 2010

Slowing down your breathing may help lessen pain, according to a new report. The study included 27 women diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a condition marked by widespread pain in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fatigue, and multiple tender points on the body.

For the study, researchers conducted an experiment in which participants were subjected to moderately painful heat pulses on their palms. The heat pulses were applied while participants were breathing at normal rates, and then when they reduced their breathing rates by 50 percent.

Analyzing the participants' ratings of pain intensity and unpleasantness, researchers found that fibromyalgia patients prone to experiencing positive emotions reported less pain while breathing slowly. Fibromyalgia patients prone to negativity, sadness, and/or depression, however, didn't appear to benefit from slow breathing.

Past research suggests that the connection between pain and emotion may be particularly powerful for people with fibromyalgia.

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