Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Weekly News Round-Up, Oral Herpes Edition

Posted by Rachel on February 14, 2010

How’s that for an intro this week? I’ve mentioned my cold sore affliction here previously; I swear I either get them more often and worse than most people, or everybody else is just staying home for a week at a time. I’ll be spending the next week feeling self-conscious due to a huge cold sore front and center on my top lip. Here’s some info on the little buggers:

* MedlinePlus: Herpes labialis
* American Social Health Association: Oral Herpes
* Scarleteen: Hopping Mad About Herpes (includes a nice section on dealing with feelings of “gross”ness.

Related to the previous post, Pam Merritt writes at RHRC on Women of Color and the Anti-Choice Focus on Eugenics. The whole post is well worth a read.

Hilary at Mom’s Tinfoil Hat is talking about reproductive coercion (something we’ve also covered a bit recently at the OBOS blog). My experience of having been told I had to have an exam in order to get my contraceptive refilled is mentioned in the comments.

Random gripe: I find it really annoying that – on the CDC FastStats page for “reproductive health” – the word “abortion” doesn’t appear once. Teen sex, infertility, contraception, pelvic inflammatory disease – yes; abortion – no. FastStats A-Z – also no mention.

Abby Jean writes about poverty and health at FWD/Forward.

Renee at Womanist Musings writes about A Facial For Your Vagina: Exactly What You Never Knew Your Lady Bits Needed. I’m cracking up at her sarcastic “Golly gee whiz beav.” Ha.

Blue Milk writes about The very gendered baby (found via Hoyden).

Academic Ob/gyn has a post on a new emergency contraception drug and expands on some of the limitations of the study I briefly mentioned in an OBOS post on the paper.

Raising Women’s Voices points to a PBS piece on Democrats and abortion.

Finally, and not really health-related, Aunt B posts my favorite version of “Single Ladies” thus far, this time transformed into a song praising academic achievement – “Scholar Ladies.”

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