Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Drug May Help Men With Bent Penis Disorder

The injectable drug Xiaflex may benefit men with Peyronie's disease, a difficult-to-treat condition in which the penis is permanently bent. The disorder, which affects about 1 to 2% of men, causes pain and erectile dysfunction, and can make it difficult or impossible to have sexual intercourse.

This week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Xiaflex for treatment of claw hand, a condition that causes bent fingers. Research suggests the drug may also be effective in treating Peyronie's disease. Some experts believe the FDA's approval of the drug for claw hand may lead to off-label use for Peyronie's disease, ABC News reported.

Clinical trials found that injections of Xiaflex resulted in an average 29.7% improvement in curvature of the penis, compared with a placebo injection, according to Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, which is marketing the drug.

However, the company says it will discourage any off-label use of Xiaflex for treatment of Peyronie's disease, ABC News reported.

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